Pascagoula teen saves three girls, officer after car sinks in river

Moss point, mistake. (WLOX)-The heroic Pascagoula teenager took action to save four people as the vehicle ran from the launch of the I-10 boat towards the Pascagoula River.

According to officials, the vehicle on which the three teenage girls were riding moved about 20 feet away from the shore before sinking.

“They ran straight underwater,” 16-year-old Corion Evans told WLOX. “Similarly, only a few of the cars were still above the surface.”

Evans said he threw his shoes, shirt and phone and jumped in. One of his friends, Karon “KJ” Bradley, also jumped in and helped put the girl on top of the car.

“I’m like,’You can’t kill these people. They have to get out of the water’. So I’m just starting to get them,” he said. “I wasn’t thinking about anything else.”16-year-old Corion Evans jumped into the river when he saw the car sink and four people struggling to get out of the water.(WLOX)

Evans, a student at Pascagoula High School, said he has been swimming since he was three years old.

Early Sunday morning, he had the right skills in the right place at the right time.

“I was behind them, keeping them on the water and at the same time trying to swim with them,” he said.

His mother, Marquita Evans, now praises his son’s courage and patience.

“I was really proud of Kolion because he wasn’t just thinking about himself. He was really trying to get all those people out of the water,” she said. .. “I’m glad that nothing happened to him while he was trying to save the lives of others.”

Evans helped take the three girls to the shore with Mospoint police officer Gary Mercer.

“I turned around. I meet a police officer,” Evans said. “He’s drowning. He goes underwater, drowns, and says,” Help! ” So I went over there. I went and grabbed a police officer, and I like to swim him back until I feel I can walk. “

Chief Brandon Ashley issued this statement to WLOX:

“Police and I admire him. Evans’s courage and selflessness he showed by endangering his own safety to help those at risk. If he is Evans helping No. Not all residents were successfully rescued, but with tragic consequences. “

One of the victims, named Cola Watson, took him to Facebook and thanked him, “I saved my life just before I died.”

“They were thrown there because there was so much water in them all,” Evans said. “I had a lot of swimming because I was 25 yards away. My feet were very tired after that. But I could have had anything in the water. But I wasn’t thinking about it. did.”

After the incident, Officer Mercer and the three girls were all taken to the hospital. They are recovering now.

Prime Minister Ashley said Officer Mercer will return to service later this week.

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